Asona Aberade is pronounced (ah soon nah, ah bra day)


Asona Aberade Shrine images represent:

The Crow with the white collar, found in the southern region of Ghana, signifies neatness like the members of the Asona clan. It is believed that Asona people keep themselves and surroundings neat and clean, the same way that the crow maintains the whiteness of  it’s collar.

Snake -The aquatic snake signifies the beauty of the Asona clan members. The snake will not bite any member of the Asona clan because it knows that it is a member.

The Dog carried Fire in it’s mouth to light the way for the Aberade clan members. This fire was also used for cooking. Aberade members are dependable and good providers. Sometimes they are accused of being “most powerful” by the other clans.

Asona Aberade Shrine